It is known that on the world's most famous video platform you can now find more and more valuable and quality content.Here is the list of the best 10 YouTube channels that I recommend you take a look at, in order to entertain yourself, learn new things and, why not, also find new insights that you can exploit in your work.

In this day and age, you can really find anything on YouTube: from astronomy to cooking, from make-up tutorials to yoga classes, from philosophy to gaming... There really is an abundance of things to watch.

It is a gold mine if you want to learn something new or are even just curious and like to hunt for new ideas.

Not surprisingly, it is the world's most popular video streaming platform, where every content creator, more or less experienced, can open their own channel and share passions, hobbies, but also make their knowledge and skills available for everyone.

At the same time, the quality of the videos has increased a lot, and people with a lot of followers are really there (here find the top five most followed Italian youtubers).

In short, there is no limit to creativity!

So whether it's to take a break while drinking coffee after lunch or to relax at the end of the day, I imagine you too have found yourself scrolling the home looking for some interesting videos.

So why not make the most of this time?

Why not use it to actually learn something useful, which perhaps also benefits you in your work, as well as to rest your brain by detaching it from your usual commitments?

Said and done: in this article you will find tips on what I think are some of the most interesting YouTube channels.

Of course this is only a small selection, listing them all would be impossible! 

Just as when I proposed the best podcasts on marketing, o best biographies of great entrepreneurs, making lists is in fact always risky. To leave someone out is a moment, as is to give the idea that there is a ranking-while instead the order I propose is purely random.

But I am sure that some of them can certainly stimulate your attention.

Happy reading and, most importantly, happy viewing!

The 10 best YouTube channels to follow: the list

#1 Luca Mazzucchelli

How can I not mention Luca, my very dear friend and super-established psychologist?

His channel has a goal: to bring psychology into the lives of people who, by profession, do not understand psychology. He started in 2012 and to date he collects more than 1,000 videos on the topic, including testimonials from colleagues, to which he adds a large number of followers on various social platforms.

Like many others I follow, in fact, Luca has the ability to deal with rather complex topics in a super accessible way. Basically, he makes psychology and personal growth something within everyone's reach, without the typical insider's big words.

In his videos he talks about this in a clear and understandable way, addressing the issues of interpersonal relationships, romantic relationships, and also the importance of sleep and rest, as well as creativity and comfort zones.

As he also explains in the interview I did with him some time ago (you can read it here), the power of habits in particular is enormous in determining our ability to succeed.

If you are looking for the motivation and the right push to improve your life or make changes for the better, you certainly can't pass up its contents!

#2 Rudy Flag

Among the twenty most influential Italians on LinkedIn is him, Rudy Bandiera, an expert in innovation, technology and communication. An author, trainer and content creator, he has lectured for several universities and taken part in many events, including TEDx.

He thinks that, as he recounts, his life academy was for a long time foundry; over the years he has then been able to mix hard skills and soft skills, becoming able to convey complex concepts in a simple way.

In his channel analyzes trends and offers interesting thoughts on digital business and digital transformation, with a focus on possible developments in the future and how they will affect our lives.

#3 Breaking Italy

Breaking Italy is Alessandro Masala's YouTube channel, where you can find a real daily news show, with in-depth analysis and commentary on the most interesting news from around the world.

What's nice about it is its humorous yet very rational style, which is meant to stimulate critical thinking and make us reflect, to better understand what is happening around us.

If you want to stay up-to-date on all the most important issues related to current affairs, you really can't miss it.

#4 HumanSafari

This is a crazy channel if you are passionate about travel (but not only) or if you are curious to find out what is around the world.

Nicolò Balini, creator and travel vlogger, offers real travelogues in his videos, related to decidedly un-touristy destinations, with images of abandoned villages, samplings of local food but also tips on how to take beautiful photographs.

From Africa to Asia, from Australia to the North Cape, Nicolo is a lover of road tripping and camping and shows a special concern for nature and local people.

A great way to learn about amazing places, all from the comfort of home. 

#5 Dario Bressanini

He is super famous especially on social media, Instagram in particular, where he does not fail to refute so many fake news stories circulating among users and combat the misinformation that characterizes the world of the web.

Professor of chemistry, Dario Bressanini is perhaps one of the most influential and popular science popularizers active on the digital landscape today: on the his YouTube channel you find a lot of videos debunking myths and hoaxes on a wide variety of topics, especially food and gastronomy.

If you are not satisfied with what you hear or read around, its contents can be really interesting and useful to know and make you think.

#6 Link4Universe

This is Adrian Fartade's channel, a 30-year-old native of Romania who moved to Italy at age 15, where he studied, becoming today one of the most representative experts in science, astronomy and space exploration.

His mission is to make even the most doubters passionate about his subjects, with a focus on young people.

For more than 10 years, he has been chronicling on his channel the latest (and not) discoveries in astronomy and astronautical development, with news and information pills.

His videos literally take you to another planet!

#7 Just Mick

Among the "emerging" channels, Mick Odelli's is one of the most interesting: it talks about neuroscience, but also about the human mind and emotions, in simple and understandable language.

He calls himself an "experiential storyteller"; with a degree in visual communication from Sydney, he specializes in audiovisual emotional sensory installations and collaborates with various brands on how to impact and engage people.

If you want to explore the mind and understand more about similar topics, this is definitely one of the best YouTube channels to follow. Just Mick literally activates your neurons, making you think about things you didn't even think could exist.

#8 Rick DuFer

Let's talk about philosophy: do you know anything about it?

Riccardo Dal Ferro, author of the videos you find on this channel, is a rather eclectic guy, a content creator with expertise in communication and outreach.

Through his Daily Cogito format, he talks about philosophy, literature and pop culture in a very current and accessible way; comments on current events, from an interesting perspective, and gives insights for personal growth.

There is also no shortage of reviews on books, video games and more, as well as interviews that are always full of interesting insights with people from various fields.

If you want to open yourself to new thinking, this is the channel for you.

#9 Happiness Project

Project Happiness is the name of the Channel of Giuseppe Bertuccio D'Angelo, with videos of his journey around the world.

His idea and goal are as simple as they are ingenious: to ask people what happiness is to them, so as to investigate this topic and delve into all facets of being human. 

This led him to visit dozens of countries and make beautiful pictures of different peoples and cultures.

A great way to have a good time and why not, find inspiration.

#10 Valerio Fioretti

Well, could I not recommend my YouTube channel?

If you are into web marketing, in particular, it gives you quite a bit of practical and applicable information in a very immediate way.

There you will find lots of interviews with really interesting people, as well as lots of videos with ideas and tips for growing your digital business and building your authority online.

You can find it here.

I'll be waiting for you!


So what do you think?

I don't know about you, but every once in a while some healthy distractions don't hurt. Did you know that one of the habits of successful people is precisely to schedule moments off

They decide what to do and when to do it, so that they always have a lifesaver at the ready for the toughest days and avoid easily losing focus when going about their activities.

I believe that among the various creators I've recommended in this article, there are definitely some that may be right for you and offer a good excuse to give space for some healthy thirst for knowledge.

But tell me, did you already know any of these channels? Or are there others you'd like to share?

Let me know in the comments!

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