Psychological triggers allow you to leverage your audience's emotions to get their attention and prompt them to take action: here I explain which ones are the most effective to use in your communication strategies.

The human brain is complex, we cannot deny it. 

Although each of us is unique and represents a universe of our own, there are real patterns in the behaviors of all people.

Yes, it is something that has to do with psychology and can come in very handy for you to be able to get the attention of your target audience.

No, don't worry, you don't need to be an expert on the subject!

However, if you've been hanging out in marketing for a while or otherwise have even just approached this field, you know how much the understanding of the mind human is critical to communicating effectively and achieving your growth goals accordingly.

Here, speaking of attraction and involvement within the web marketing, one of the most effective tactics is to use small "psychological "triggers.

Have you ever heard of them?

These are little tricks to get the recipients of your messages to perk up their antennae a bit with respect to what you are proposing to them: it is as good a way as any to emerge in the avalanche of communications that overwhelm them on a daily basis-and which obviously risk causing you to go unnoticed.

Again, I want to reassure you right away: I'm not telling you that you have to manipulate your audience to push them to do what they don't actually want to do; it has nothing to do with scams and cheating.

The only real purpose is call attention, to give you a chance to be noticed, and convince those who listen or read you that what you offer them is really amazing (which, of course, has to be the truth).

Think also just about your email marketing: how incredibly high would you like the conversion rate from your users to be? 

Sometimes a single call to action: you need to communicate the whole message intelligently (ps. by the way, read my article on the basic rules of copy: you can find a lot of tips for your persuasive communication).

So have I captured your interest?

Would you like to know more about it?

Continue reading the article-you will understand what this is all about and what the 4 most commonly used psychological triggers (and more effective) that you can incorporate into your marketing strategies, so you can increase your conversions and get better results in the long run.

What are psychological triggers?

Speaking of the mechanisms put in place by our mind, a trigger Is related to something that affects our emotional state. 

In the field of psychology, it is usually related to specific or even traumatic events, which are remembered precisely as a result of a particular stimulus and often cause pain and not-so-pleasant feelings.

In fact, marketing has borrowed this word, but leaving behind its more negative meaning, and using it as a strategy to stimulate certain behaviors by its target audience.

If you're wondering how this is possible, just think about how our brains work: we are constantly receiving information from the outside world that causes us to have different emotions and reactions, but we are often unable to "filter" it and end up making decisions with our instincts.

Has this ever happened to you?

Yeah, that's what I thought.

The issue is therefore very simple: the idea is simply to "awaken" in people's minds a will that already existed, but just needed the right opportunity and stimulus to be put into practice.

4 psychological triggers for your marketing strategies

Now that the concept is a little clearer to you, I want to share with you some of the most popular psychological triggers in the world of web marketing that can make a difference in your communications and increase conversions.

Here they are!

#1 Curiosity

There is no greater fuel for the human mind than curiosity.

This is a very powerful sentiment: people always have a desire (even a need, sometimes) to see what they do not know revealed. Not only that: if you give them a fingernail, they will still then want the whole arm: little (but right) information is indeed able to fuel the desire for discovery even more.

How can you translate this to your advantage?

By leveraging curiosity, you can attract your potential customers and stimulate them to take action to open an e-mail, promote your content (this is the case, for example, with campaigns by referral) or even buy products.

Therefore, it is important that your message first have an intriguing title and then be careful to maintain the right expectations.

#2 Sense of urgency and scarcity (FOMO)

Have you ever bought something just because it was the last one in stock and you were afraid you would lose it forever?

This is exactly what this mental trigger does: create the feeling that if you don't take the opportunity now, you may not have another one, never again.

It is something inherent in human nature, having to do with our survival instinct.

Phrases such as "limited time offer" or "you only have until tonight at midnight," just to give simple examples, trigger the so-called FOMO (an acronym that stands for Fear of Missing Out), that is, the fear of being cut off from something big.

I have to tell you, it works great! 

It's no coincidence that I use it a lot, and if you've been following me for a while you've no doubt noticed. I even did a webinar and classes on it this summer!

Like all things, however, you have to know how best to handle it, knowing how and when best to use this trigger.

If you are interested in learning more, write it in the comments or contact me, I will be glad to help you 😀

#3 Savings possibilities

Among various psychological triggers, what most influences human behavior is the need to feel pleasure and, at the same time, avoid pain.

Understand me well, here the terms "pleasure" and "pain" are to be understood somewhat broadly-that is, they stand for "happy" emotions on the one hand, and "less happy" emotions on the other.

Everyone likes to feel satisfied, right?

One more thing: by "saving" I don't mean of money (or at least, not only that), but also of time or other resources, including avoiding problems or difficulties in the future.

Surely you have still come across phrases like "buy this product today and you will save tot on maintenance" or "sign up for this course and you will learn how to save time in doing xy."

Thus, the idea in this case is to communicate a feeling of "reward" after some effort; therefore, it is essential that you know your target audience very well and understand their weaknesses in order to offer them a sensible solution as needed.

#4 Social Confirmation

People are used to looking at others and making comparisons; it is a natural characteristic of our species. 

When it comes to spending our own money, we are obviously no different. We are always trying to act in the most "right" or "correct" way according to our social standards; that is why we are always looking for reviews to make sure it is worth it to buy that product or service.

Not surprisingly, referral-based marketing, memberships e brand ambassador, is extremely powerful precisely because it harnesses the power of word of mouth. 

Do you agree?

Good, so why not leverage this need to attract new potential customers?

If you show the numbers of how many people turn to you and rely on you, collecting feedback from your customers, it will be your results that will be the spokesman for your success and the benefits you are able to offer your audience.

The most interesting thing about this mental trigger is that you can also benefit from the testimonials of trusted experts, celebrities, digital influencers and so on to convey confidence and persuade potential customers.

So don't delay and create around you the right network of "supporters" of your brand and your community of satisfied customers-they will be the best publicity for you that you can ever have.


So what do you think?

I don't know about you, but the more I find out how our minds work, the more I want to know more about it....

It is super interesting to figure out which words or phrases resonate best with the recipients of your message: being able to establish an honest, solid, long-term relationship is what will guarantee you more sales and earnings.

The ones I mentioned are just some of the psychological triggers you can use in your marketing strategies, but always remember that what makes the difference is always the respect you show toward your customers and the value You are able to offer.

Because it is obvious: behind any persuasive communication, there must be an offer worth investing in and a value proposition That enables people to achieve their goals.

Otherwise it's just fuff and manipulation-and no, that doesn't have to be your case.

I hope what you have read can be an inspiration to you; do you know of any other psychological triggers that you have come across or experienced?

Let me know in the comments!

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