Speed reading has always been shrouded in mystery and fascination.

As a child, I vividly remember a documentary about a 30-year-old American who claimed to be able to read a one-page book per second.

The scene was unbelievable: he was given Henri Charrière's "Papillon," over 600 pages, and he devoured it in the blink of an eye, then demonstrated a thorough understanding of the text.

This episode ignited in me an endless curiosity about the world of speed reading.

Over the years, I have experimented with various methods, but without success.

Everything changed when I discovered Filippo Rossi's revolutionary "3D reading method."

A few days ago, I had the honor of interviewing him to learn more about this extraordinary technique.

Who is Filippo Rossi?

Filippo Rossi, an expert in accelerated learning techniques, has spent years researching and developing an effective method for speed reading. With a bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in neuroscience, Rossi has combined his expertise to create a unique approach to reading.

The 3D Reading Method Explained

The "3D reading method" by Rossi is based on three basic pillars: speed, comprehension and memorization. It differs significantly from traditional techniques because it integrates elements of cognitive psychology and mnemonic strategies.

In our exclusive video, Rossi reveals the secrets of this technique, explaining how it is possible not only to read quickly, but also to understand and remember at least 80% of the content.

Testimonials and Successes

During the interview, Rossi shares several testimonials from students and professionals who have adopted his method with astounding results. From college students who have passed complex exams in record time to professionals who have improved their skills exponentially, Rossi's method has proven its effectiveness in a variety of contexts.

The interview with Filippo Rossi is an open window to a world of possibilities.

Who would have thought that reading a 300-page book in an hour would be within everyone's reach?

The 3D reading method is not just a technique, it is a revolution in the way we interact with knowledge.

Learn more in our exclusive video and transform the way you read.

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