Books and eBooks

On this page you will find books, manuals, guides and essays written by Valerio Fioretti and his team, published by Start Me Hub editions and available in both print and eBook formats.

ChatGPT 4th OMNI eBook Audiobook
eBOOK + Audiobook

The easy guide to the new version: ChatGPT 4o OMNI.

Innovations. Applications. Practical tips.

My new eBook and Audiobook available and find out how the new ChatGPT 4o OMNI can revolutionize your daily work with nouveau, powerful features.

This practical guide includes all the tips for making the most of Artificial Intelligence in the fields of finance, medicine, education and linguistics, and includes 10 advanced prompts immediately applicable To optimize your daily activities.

SSC Only Super Customers eBook

Transform your business with the SSC Super Customers Only strategy.

SSC offers a proven approach to attracting high-value clients to the consulting world. Through this book, you will discover concrete strategies and innovative techniques for launching and scaling your consulting business while making the most of digital marketing opportunities. Valerio shares his detailed protocol that has enabled countless entrepreneurs to turn simple leads into loyal, profitable clients.

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The 10 + 1 rules that will enable you to transform your business.

Now in its 3rd edition, this bestseller read by more than 15,000 entrepreneurs brings together the rules have enabled to grow and establish itself authoritatively in the digital marketing landscape in Italy and abroad.

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SEO is dead

How to survive Google and bring traffic to your website. 30 strategies and alternative traffic sources to Google's SEO.

You cannot entrust your business to SEO, it would be like leaving the keys to your store to a stranger who decides who to let in and when to open the door.

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Facebook marketing at no cost

The 20 tricks used by companies and digital agencies to capture leads and customers on Facebook.

With numerous real-world case examples, including web 2.0-style initiatives and interesting insights into learning how to write posts like a true professional (evolved content marketing), Valerio shows you how it is possible to go from 0 Likes to 1,000 in two weeks thanks to his tips that are immediately applicable to any business.

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Selling online at zero cost

Selling online is easy, fast and. you can start doing it at no cost!

This web marketing book explains clearly and simply, how to start your own online business at no cost, using only free 100% resources. In fact, to sell online, it is not necessary to start an expensive e-commerce business; rather, it is of paramount importance to understand what Internet Marketing strategies are winning and to understand the logic behind them.


Valerio Fioretti is the specialist in Artificial Intelligence applied to web marketing for small and medium-sized enterprises. Bestselling author, speaker, consultant, trainer and marketing coach.

Start Me Hub Ltd. is a registered publishing house.

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