ChatGPT 4 OMNI: discover the power of artificial intelligence with OpenAI's new algorithm

The ChatGPT 4 OMNI version allows you to do amazing things, and it's all explained in this eBook and Audiobook, explained simply and with practical examples you can use right away.

The innovations of ChatGPT 4 OMNI

You will learn how to make the most of these innovations to optimize your work and your daily life.

Applying AI in different areas

Learn how to use ChatGPT 4o OMNI in various fields, from marketing to finance, from health care to education. With practical examples and strategies for integrating AI into your professional and personal activities.

Customizing responses

Learn how to configure ChatGPT 4o OMNI to tailor the tone, style, and level of detail of responses to your specific needs for more relevant and useful responses.

Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT 4th OMNI eBook Audiobook

Leveraging Multimodal Capabilities

ChatGPT 4o OMNI can process not only text, but also images and other types of data. You will learn how to use these capabilities for visual analysis, content creation.

ChatGPT in different languages

ChatGPT 4o offers advanced support for multiple languages and dialects. You will learn how to translate and create culturally appropriate communications in various international contexts.

How to maximize efficiency

You will learn techniques to improve productivity, solve complex problems, and get the most out of artificial intelligence in your daily life.


Artificial intelligence at the click of a mouse

BONUS: with the purchase of the eBook you have access to an EXCLUSIVE BONUS, on-demand training on the use of AI where you will discover additional features that will allow you to increase your productivity exponentially!

Read the eBook

ChatGPT 4o offers twice the power of previous versions of OpenAI's AI. With increased speed in responses and new "specializations" such as medicine, business and finance, it manages to give even more detailed and useful answers.

MP3 Audiobook + Podcast

Don't have time to read an eBook? No problem, with the release of the book in digital format, you will also have access to the audiobook, both in MP3 format (which you can download) and in Podcast format, to listen to with your favorite podcast app.

Real insights

In the book you will find plenty of examples of real, concrete use of the new version of ChatGPT 4o, including as many as 10 advanced Prompts explained in every detail so that you fully understand the power of the new AI.

Index of Topics

- The evolution of AI from version 1.0 to 4o.
- Part one: the new features of ChatGPT 4o Omni.
  - Discussions on complex projects.
  - Ongoing customer support.
  - Financial counseling.
  - Education and mentoring.
- More articulate and detailed answers.
- Multimodal capabilities.
  - Description and analysis of images.
  - Assistance with medical diagnostics.
  - Interaction with complex documents.
  - Interactive education and training.
  - Supporting creativity and design.
- Improved personalization.
- Support for multiple languages and dialects.

- Part two: how to take advantage of ChatGPT 4o Omni.
  - 10 Prompts specific to ChatGPT 4o.
  - Financial analysis.
  - Medical care.
  - Digital marketing.
  - Education and mentoring.
  - Graphic design.
  - Financial planning.
  - Multilingual content creation.
  - Academic research.
  - Event organization.
  - Creative writing.
- Comparison of ChatGPT4 and ChatGPT4o Omni.
- What to do now.
- BONUS: On-demand training on AI.

Let me say a little more about my book....

Dear Readers,

I am Valerio Fioretti, and I want to tell you about my latest book, "ChatGPT 4o OMNI: Innovations, Applications, Practical Tips." Through these pages, I wanted to share with you not only an overview of the extraordinary capabilities of the new ChatGPT 4o OMNI, but also a practical approach to making the most of this revolutionary technology.

This book is the result of hours of study, analysis, and experimentation with ChatGPT 4o OMNI, an upgrade that represents a quantum leap in the field of artificial intelligence. My mission is to guide you through the innovations of this release, showing you how they can be applied in different areas to improve your professional and personal life.

Why a book on ChatGPT 4o OMNI?

The ChatGPT 4o OMNI update is truly revolutionary, radically changing the way we interact with artificial intelligence. This tool, also available for FREE accounts, offers new features that can be taken advantage of by anyone, regardless of experience level.

In "ChatGPT 4o OMNI: Innovations, Applications, Practical Tips," I will show you how to use this technology to get the most out of it in terms of productivity, creativity, and efficiency. I will guide you through the key innovations, teach you how to apply them in different areas, and provide practical tips to improve your everyday life.

What will you find in this book?

- Innovations: A comprehensive overview of the new features of ChatGPT 4o OMNI, explained in a clear and accessible manner.
- Practical applications: Concrete examples of how to use ChatGPT 4o OMNI in various fields, from marketing to finance, from health care to education.
- Tips and strategies: Practical tips for making the most of ChatGPT 4o OMNI's capabilities by customizing responses and using its multimodal features.
- Multilingual support: How to translate and localize content effectively, ensuring accurate and culturally appropriate communications in various international contexts.

Who is this book for?

This book is not just for technology experts or developers, but for anyone who wants to improve their productivity and creativity through the use of artificial intelligence. Whether you are an entrepreneur, freelancer, educator or student, "ChatGPT 4o OMNI" will provide you with the tools and knowledge to make a difference in your field.

Why should you read "ChatGPT 4o OMNI"?

If you are tired of feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of the technology or failing to take full advantage of the potential of AI, this book is for you. I will provide you with the keys to understanding and using ChatGPT 4o OMNI simply and effectively, radically transforming your interaction with artificial intelligence.

I also include concrete examples, mistakes to avoid, and customizable strategies that you can start applying immediately to improve your work and your daily life. And to mark this launch, for those who wish to explore further, I have prepared an exclusive workshop to accompany the book, where I share additional insights and practical resources.

Thank you for choosing to embark on this journey with me. I am excited to see how "ChatGPT 4o OMNI" can transform your business as well.

Make a difference!


Who is Valerio Fioretti

Valerio Fioretti is the marketing coach for businesses. Through targeted consulting, valuable content, and training courses, he transforms his clients' businesses by leading them to success using effective digital strategies.

Unlike all the other consultants and coaches who aim to teach hobbyists or aspiring marketers, Valerio offers specialized training and operational advice on marketing only to entrepreneurs who want to take full advantage of its incredible opportunities and be two steps ahead of their competitors.

This means specialized training and customized consulting, aimed at transferring to the enterprise--simply, quickly, and directly--only the strategies it needs to be on top and achieve measurable results.

In addition to the thousands of entrepreneurial clients who follow his content and Academy, companies Valerio has worked with include: Apple and MGH, CONI, GreenVision, Performance Strategies, Matterport, Kajabi, Business Coaching Italy.

🏆 Valerio was awarded as the best
Corporate Marketing Consultant 2022.

"Meeting Valerio, albeit virtually, marked the decisive turning point for me. Before taking his courses, I was literally trapped in a vicious cycle but already after the first webinar, I got unstuck! Thanks to his advice and all the new notions I learned, I gained the knowledge I needed to get off to a great start and today I am 'live." Thank you so much, always, Valerio!"


I did not know Valerio, after listening to him in some posts I decided to buy his products. Pragmatic and highly knowledgeable in the subjects he covers, he gives you a number of elements to be able to grow in digital. Excellent!