From idea to bestseller publication.

Writing a book is good.

Publishing it gives much satisfaction.

But seeing it positioned as a bestseller is what you should really be aiming for to get even more results with your online business.

There are so many reasons why writing a book is good for your business (even offline!), and in this guide I want to explain how to turn publishing a text into a real web marketing strategy, capable of making your brand stand out and monetize it, so that your revenue does not depend solely and exclusively on selling your book.

Why it is important to write a book.

Writing a book, and of course publishing it, immediately positions you among all those who have some knowledge or experience in the specific field and on the topic the book is about.

In the eyes of your current and near audience, you will be seen as the authoritative expert capable of communicating effectively to a wide readership, and able, above all, to accurately illustrate the topics you cover.

Writing a book is like spilling the beans about what you know and is probably the highest-and widest-form of content sharing you will ever accomplish.

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