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Videos are, by far, the best way to share your ideas, your know-how, and of course, your products or services. Youtube changed that, and Facebook was no different. Now you have to combine the communicative power of video with the dissemination of video.


Facebook, this is not news, is overwhelmingly climbing the video platform rankings and of course, doesn't really think about rewarding the competition.
Here's sharing a video from Youtube to Facebook, it gets heavily penalized. The preview image is square (hey but videos are rectangular!) and very small. The text is placed to the right of the image and... obviously the organic content distribution algorithm, doesn't help.

Already sharing from platforms such as Tumblr, which are considered less insidious, offers richer and more interesting previews to the social user's eye.

Facebook's algorithm for Videos

It can be difficult to know what kind of content to share to make the greatest impact on your followers-the rules by which the algorithm moves are as secret as the recipe for Coca-Cola-but ... something can be guessed, and with some trial and error, you can get patterns in how Facebook thinks. Needless to say, in an articulated strategy, that of video is crucial and should not be ignored at all. Not only that.
Video sharing has been proven to reward organic ranking.
The test is quickly done, do this: try to see a video on your timeline, and maybe like it.
Shall we bet that you will be offered more and more videos from then on?
The same thing does not happen for kitten photos, so no use trying ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

If you look at the graph above you will really see that videos take the lead and resoundingly beat photos.

Socia Media Marketing Strategies

Ok let's now see how to improve not only the distribution of one's video content, but also how to make effective videos.

1. Upload VIDEOs to Facebook as native

It's about uploading them directly inside Facebook, not linking to your video uploaded on Youtube (or other platform com Vimeo, Viddler...). First of all, you will not be penalized in the layout of your post, and then the organic distribution will be greater.

Facebook's player does its job and does just fine, especially on mobile devices, which is then where most people consume, today, the content you post.

2. Insert captions or an intro

It is critical that in the first 5 seconds you immediately know who you are and what you will be talking about. So use a video editor to add a title or intro clip (perhaps with animation of your logo). With a simple iPhone you can do wonders, just how you need to do it and what you need:

- take your trusty selfie stick And edit it all together to shoot your video

- Get in position, never light behind, and settle in a quiet location

- starts to turn ๐Ÿ™‚

- when you're done, open the video with iMovie (if you don't have it, download it from the App Store, it's free), cut start and end where you see you trigger the button and add a title from the many available

- upload the video to Facebook!

3. Your Video Profile and Featured Video

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Featured video on Brendon Burchard's official page

Facebook now gives you the option of having your own featured profile video and featured video. The featured video will really be highlighted on your page, and you can leverage it to sign Your business or expert figure.

This is a key step that you need to pay close attention to-if you are not a champion at shooting video, it is worth investing something and hiring a professional videographer.

Your video should be about you, your vision, your qualities and why you are there now.

4. The Call To Action.

You can't not put a Call To Action on your video, at the end possibly... It's the command you give to your user: DO THIS, GO HERE, REGISTER, WRITE, BUY... in short, what do you want someone to do as soon as they finish watching your videos?

You can insert text or with more sophisticated systems, you can add a box for signing up for your newsletter or a link to your landing page.

Check out this platform that takes advantage of native video and allows you to do many things with ease, it's called Social Video Spark.

5. Mail and Repost!

The best videos, you will see from the LIKE and Share statistics, must be reposted. First because they like it, second because not everyone will have seen it, and second because new followers didn't have a chance to see it days ago.

Don't think you are repeating yourself. Pay attention to how fast content slips away on social and our memory is short--very short.

6. Invites sharing and posting

Why not ask for a like or a share in your video? I mean really, to say it! In the final greetings, invite your viewers to share, comment, LIKE, and maybe send you a response video or post their own video on your page.

It may sound silly to you, but it works.

7. Make boost or ads with your videos

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The metrics you need to take into account when doing social media video campaigns

The best videos should be highlighted by doing the post boost, or by creating real ad hoc campaigns, just with the videos. I've gotten amazing results at very low cost (we're talking 1 cent per view), and if you've done everything I've explained above, you'll also get great conversions.

8. Use advanced low-cost tools

There are many out there, Social Video Spark however is the one I chose to use. This platform (it is not software!) seems to work very well for a number of reasons:

- uses the Facebook player, so more distribution

- is easy to use

- allows scheduling of posts

- costs little

- no software, also works on mobile

- Add Call to Action and Intro easily, taking advantage of the many templates available

Final tips for your Facebook videos

In conclusion, my advice is to make videos, even if at first you don't feel comfortable talking to your smartphone and are terrified of making colossal bloopers.
You don't have to be perfect, no one is, and what you're doing isn't an audition for the Actor Studio, it's just a winning way to communicate with your friends, clients, and followers.
Casual, natural and with interesting content.
Add an effective tool such as Social Video Spark and a selfie stick.

You don't need anything else, and that's all your audience wants.

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