Monetizing the brand and brand positioning

Many people have told you how to build an effective brand, how to position yourself, how to popularize it, how to reach so many people and make yourself known.

So many professionals have gone to great lengths to write books on the subject, and some are real manuals of great use in this area.

I will never stop quoting my friend's beautiful book Marco De Veglia "Zero Competitors" on brand positioning., a must-read if you want to understand how to create your brand positioning.

But--once you understand how personal branding is to be built and managed, what do you do?

How do you turn LIKEs, comments, followers, and notoriety into cash and a happy bank account?

I have decided to offer you a series of lessons-this is the first-through which you can begin to really understand WHAT TO DO in a short time to monetize your personal brand.

The goal of this free course, which continues with four more lessons that I will be e-mailing you between now and the next few days, is just that: to give you all the elements you need to understand how you can Monetizing your brand, Whether it is in the early stages of your online business and you're still thinking about how to position yourself or whether it's a proven brand, monetization knows no age and if we're all here reading content, following strategies and activating tools to web marketing is because we all want to strive for the same result: PROFIT.

One of the most difficult and insidious obstacles is understanding, researching and defining our ideal audience. It is fine to broaden the brand awarness, it is all very well to reach out to the widest number of people, but when it comes to squeezing, we have to deal with those who are really willing to pay us to get something in return.

The 4 Areas of Online Business

There are 4 well-defined areas that will help you understand how to identify your ideal audience, and the intersection of these results in the audience you would like to bring in front of your offerings.

Let's look at the 4 areas, which I have graphically illustrated for you with a doodle here:

the 4 areas of online business

(YELLOW) In first place we find your placement. for learning something that you are passionate about or that, because of your experience, you can master skillfully enough. You can distinguish yourself on three levels, in crescendo:

- Results expert: you have gotten results on what you know. You don't have to be the #1 of the industry, you just need to know more than a lot of others and have achieved something you can demonstrate. For example, you have learned how to make a great Sacher Cake and every time you make it your friends can't wait to be able to devour it!

- Experienced reporter: you know enough to be entitled from doing research, interviewing other authoritative experts and reporting to your audience not only your own knowledge but also that of others you have come in contact with. A very famous example is Napolen Hill with her book "Think and Enrich Yourself."

- Thought Leader: if you are here it means that you have positioned yourself at the top and that you are a benchmark, a guru, someone to whom many tend. A Thought Leader contributes his thoughts, works, actions and philosophy deterministically in his target market.

Brand Positioning

Let's go to the second area (RED): teach others.

Beyond everyone's personal ability to communicate and convey effectively, there is the mindset that makes the difference: sharing to help.

If you start sharing your information freely and spontaneously to your audience, you will get wide acceptance and a lot of positive feedback.

Lead these people to get the result, solve the problem or fill a need, and you will have a loyal audience who will see in you the leader they have been waiting for.

The third area (GREEN) is that of the paying public.

You have to carefully identify the audience based on the budget required to become your customer, and you have to do it very carefully.

For example, if you sell consulting at €10,000/day, there is no point in having an audience of freelancers or employees, because they will never spend this amount, so you will have to turn to established entrepreneurs and CEOs.

If, on the other hand, you offer a €197 online course perhaps freelancers are the ideal audience because the price is all there and they are professionals who have enough time to devote to their own personal training.

Finally, the fourth area (BLUE) that defines the audience you can, physically or physically, reach with your message and voice.

In the current digital age, it is quite simple although sometimes there can be obstacles. A couple of examples.

If your audience is moms or dads, it will be easy to find them on social media through appropriate selection toward which to launch an advertising campaign.

If your ideal customer, on the other hand, is the expert cabinetmaker in carving, well...maybe it won't be so immediate to be able to find enough to support your business. Don't you think?

In this case, as in the others, you sometimes have to make some compromises or better repurpose your offering so that it has an ideal audience large enough to be reached, engaged, educated and monetized.

The ideal audience to be monetized is represented by the intersection of these four areas!

Your goal for this first lesson is just that: to write down what characteristics set your audience apart to monetize, starting with these assumptions and intersecting these four areas. This exercise will help you get clarity on your reach goals and audience types.

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